Location: United States

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why We Must Vote Against ALL Incumbents On November 7

The United States of America was defined by four pieces of paper, the U.S. Constitution. Most of that document defined our government, but a small part of it defined the American Petople, by granting them specific, precious, and utterly essential Rights if this is to be regarded as a free country at all.

President Bush and the U.S. Congress took those rights away from us on the morning of October 17, 2006. Why didn't you hear about it in the news? Like Padme said in Star Wars when Palpatine became emporer (as an emergency measure in time of war only, of course), "So this is how liberty dies. To thunderous applause."

The American press DID report on this. But this is how our corporate news media informed citizens of the former United States about it. The media merely repeated whatever words George W. Bush spoke to describe it, much like the propaganda bullhorn of a totalitarian nation serves no other purpose than to publicize whatever the dictator says.

To hide their cowardice, the press dutifully included one tiny paragraph toward the bottom, quoting the ACLU's warning that this law eliminates habeas corpus, allows unlimited detention of American citizens without charge, allows torture, and allows the President to authorize the execution of any U.S. citizen based upon hearsay evidence derived during torture. But even this quote failed to mention that this law transforms President Bush into a dictator. It also failed to mention that this law grants President Bush amnesty from prosecution for war crimes--a truly unique, God-like status.

If President Bush went certifiably insane today, he could technically order the imprisonment and execution of EVERY American citizen without charge, and there is no longer any legal basis to stop him. Before October 17, 2006, we had the Bill of Rights to stop him. But not after October 17.

Meanwhile, our Congress, which our Founders empowered with checks and balances against executive power, is the very institution that gave this supreme power to the Commander in Chief. Why? Because the cowards we sent to Washington to represent us were more terrified of appearing "soft" on terrorism, and thus losing re-election, than they were of seeing the republic destroyed.

I know of no immediate solution to this catastrophe, since President Bush has been granted supreme power in America. The only thing I can say is that 300 million people outnumber our elected representatives, and the only conceivable way to remind our Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of this fact is to vote against ALL incumbents in the November elections.

Yes, I am urging the American People to vote again every single incumbent in this country on November 7. Even the so-called "good" ones. Why? Because nothing short of a complete replacement of those up for re-election will remind those who are not up for election that the American People are sovereign in this nation. If even one incumbent wins re-election in November, every elected official who remains will assume that they have a chance of winning when their re-election arrives, and they will continue the un-American work they have been doing for the past five years.

Moreover, replacing every single office-holder that is up for re-election will remind the corporate-controlled news media that it too exists to serve the American People, not the profit motives of corporate America.

Five years. That's all it took to completely dismantle the framework that defined the United States of America. The American Revolution itself took eight years to earn our freedom. It took only five years for us to lose all that, and to succumb to an even more powerful tyranny than the one our Founders freed us from.

This is serious, folks, The November elections are already decided, even before you vote. Computer programs have scientifically gerrymandered districts with such accuracy that the Republicans already know the outcome of the November elections, in the absence of something totally unexpected, such as every voter voting against ALL incumbants. Congress has passed legislation making it difficult or impossible for many poor American citizens to register or to vote. Diebold and other electronic voting machines, which are easily corrupted, and which leave no paper trail to be audited, and which are owned by companies that donate to the Republican party, throw the very concept of "fair elections" into the dark void, unless voters exercise their power by voting against every single incumbent in the land. No exceptions.

It doesn't matter if you vote for a member of the same party as the incumbent. This isn't about replacing one party or the other in Congress. It's about replacing the individuals in Congress. The point is that every incumbent that is up for re-election in November must receive precisely ZERO votes, if our government officials are to finally get the message that We The People are sovereign, and we will not quietly sit by while our rightful inheritance as a nation is usurped by wealthy and powerful cowards who cave in to the demands of a power-hungry president.

Vote against ALL incumbents in November. Period. No exceptions. There is absolutely no other way to send an undeniably powerful message to our government and corporate-controlled news media in November. Vote against every single one of them.

If you think your district's incumbents are "good", and should remain, then consider this. If they are truly "good", then they will understand that the American People are sovereign, and that voting against ALL incumbents is the only way for us to unequivocally demonstrate that sovereignty. In other words, if they are truly "good", they will want us to vote them out of office. If they don't understand that, then they do not understand how the American system works, and by definition, they are not qualified for the job after all. Losing their job is the sacrifice they must make to save this country. Losing one's congressional job is a lot less of a sacrifice than the lives we've lost in Iraq, the hundreds of thousands of life-supporting jobs and pensions that are lost each year in America, or the liberty we lost when President Bush signed the Military Commission Act on October 17, 2006.

Please, as if the future of the United States depended on it, spread the word to every voter in the land: Vote against ALL incumbents on November 7, without a single exception.

And be sure to refer everyone you know to, so that they might consider the reasons why this is so vitally important for themselves.

All the best,


Blogger Ed Rangel said...

Vote all of the out? All these morons are terrible and we need a new BOSTON tead party. ALl this sounds nuts huh? The bolg owner must be a retard. Or is he? I too am voting again all incumbents. I don't careif they have been in there for years but they are no longer listening to us. Kick out all the useless yahoos.

Ed Rangel

8:00 PM  
Blogger Ed Rangel said...

Forvie the typo's. I am typing under the influence of AMBIEN. Peasce out

8:01 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

I think I understand your comment (watch the dosage, man!). Thanks for your support!

1:13 AM  
Blogger Grandpa Nate said...

Vote Against The Incumbents.
Vati, Vati.

That’s V-A-T-I, with a long ‘A’ and long ‘I’.

The present state of America makes me sick. It actually makes me nauseous to ponder how far this once magnificent country has slipped into mediocrity. When I was a young man, fifty years ago, you could mention just about anything: And America was best at
that. Now we rarely lead the World in anything. We can still claim one title; America has become the World's Biggest Debtor Nation.

Back then, America enjoyed the best health care, the best schools, and the best working conditions on Earth, while we worked less hours, made more money, and enjoyed a life style never before seen upon this planet.

Our coal mines were producing more coal, our steel-mills smelting more iron, and our assembly-lines led the World in manufacturing beautiful automobiles, refrigerators, wash-machines, dryers, and the hoard of smaller appliances and gadgets (which eliminated most of the drudgery of our daily chores) and introduced us to the life-of-ease, we all now enjoy.

Now, American High School Graduates rank only average (whether tested in Mathematics, World History, Language, Science or any other critical field of expertise) and compared with the test scores of students from other industrialized nations.

Our so-called health care system stinks, it is without question, the most dysfunctional conglomeration of nonsensical laws bureaucrats have ever assembled. It assures illegal aliens and greedy politicians unlimited free health care, while it renders millions of hard
working, honest citizens, incapable of obtaining any kind of health insurance.

The new Social Security Drug Plan deducts a premium for drug insurance, which you can bet will raise every year, from the social security checks, of subscribers. [AARP just raised my premium from $25.25 to $28.50, a 12.87% raise for 2007.] A great many drugs are not covered by this new plan, and it only pays a maximum of about 70% on any drug, a lot less on most. When the total drug bill (what the retiree and the government pays) reaches $2250.00, Grandma gets cut off, has to pay it all herself, until her total drug bill reaches $3500.00. Obviously if Grandma can not afford her drugs, her bill will never get to $3500.00, so she will go without her drugs for the rest of the year. Of course the monthly premium will still be deducted from her Social Security Check. The drug companies formulated this drug bill, got it enacted, and only the drug companies are going to benefit from it. (Our government gives them the premiums.) In short, this Shaft Our Grandparents Bill is nothing but a multi-million dollar windfall for the drug companies.

[AARP also broadened the gap between when they quit paying for Grandma’s drugs, and when they start paying again. During 2006 they quit paying when the drug cost reach $2250, and restarted at $3600, leaving a $1350 gap. In 2007 the gap will be extended to $1450.]

The above bill is sure not the worst medical bill our elected officials have ever enacted. It just happens to be the last that made me angry. Hundreds of anti-consumer bills and amendments are on the books, which benefit only the medical and or the drug industries. Foreign competition to American Drug Companies is nonexistent. If it was legitimized, we could import drugs from reputable foreign drug facilities, for as little as 10% of the extortion we are now forced to pay our American Drug Companies.

Sad to say, but the Medical Cartels and Drug Companies, with their unchallenged power, are not the worst villains when it comes to manipulating our government into giving them a license to gouge us. The international oil and gas conglomerates, the
interstate utility companies, railroad cartels, automobile and airplane manufacturing companies, the cable companies, international shipping cartels and a score of other business concerns all wield as much or more power over our Congress, Senate and
President, than the drug companies do.

Big Business is our real enemy. Big Business controls both our National and State Governments, and Big Business is the real reason America is losing ground on all fronts, the reason America is slowly but steadily slipping into mediocrity.

The companies mentioned above, along with a score of Countries and a hoard of other mighty forces, funnel billions of dollars annually into Washington, to influence the Republican and Democratic Party Leaders to legislate on their behalf.

The leaders of the Democratic and Republican Parties, in the Congress and Senate, now have more control over their subservient Congressman and Senators, than a Marine General has over his troops. The Political Party Lords control the pac-money. And the pac-money is what decides who will get elected, or heaven forbid, smeared. The Political Lords can’t just walk down on the floor and tell a congressman or senator that they are fired. But they can have anyone that fails to kowtow to the powers that be, ostracized, and rendered powerless. And by denying pac-money and support, they can keep anyone from being re-elected.

It is crucial to America's future that we, the voters, acknowledge that the Political Lords are running this country. When all the Republicans vote yea, and all the Democrats vote nay, our Congressman and/or Senators are not voting their conscience, and they sure aren't voting the way we want them to vote. They are voting exactly the way the Party Lords have decreed they vote. And folks that’s not Democracy, that’s flagrant Bureaucracy. If we are going to declare war, prudence behooves us to first learn all we can about our enemy.

Now, I just pulled what I have written here off the top of my head. So if you find a mistake, don’t get excited, it is not that important, the overall theme of this opinion is correct. And furthermore it is also correct that with a minimum of research, anyone can ascertain for themselves that this greatest of all nations, is rapidly slipping into mediocrity.

And even the United States of America, the greatest nation that ever existed, can fall from within, if we continue to allow misguided politicians, to barter piece after piece of good government away to any group able and willing to pay for preferential treatment.

I have been telling people for years; when in doubt always vati. But only in this last year has the urge to really push this concept become obligatory.

Actually, voting against the incumbents is a very viable method of straightening out what is wrong with America. The power of our vote is awesome, if used wisely. Many congressmen and senators win their seats by very small margins, less than 5%. So if just 5% of the voters would vati, we would probably retire near a quarter of our Senators and Congressmen. And you can bet we would get their attention. If as many voters vati-ed, as voted for Ross Perot in 1992, we’d probably unseat about 75% of both houses. Very few politicians win their seats with an 18.9% margin.

Folks this plan definitely has possibilities. Politician’s egos are all wrapped up in their positions. Actually the only thing in the World, politicians love more than pac-money, is their influential positions, their jobs. And on the very day our legislators learn that their electorate is actually threatening to vote them out of office, they are going to be magically stricken with a burning desire to legislate on behave of their constituency.

The only question left is, where are you going to place your loyalty, to the Political Parties that you have been blindly supporting, or to America? You can’t serve two
masters, and be loyal to both. We have to take the power away from the Party Lords; to the extent that it allows our elected representatives to vote the way we tell them to vote. Or in thirty years you are not going to be able to tell the difference between Washington and the corrupt Government of Mexico, or for that matter, tell the difference between America and Mexico.

I wrote this poem more than twenty years ago, and it reverberates my sentiment now as vibrantly, as then.


As Mighty Rome Fell, America Could Die.
Whether It Falls Or Not, Is Up To You And I.

I worried and stewed, but by-and-by,
came up with a plan, where you and I,
can put America the a road, to a brand-new high.
Just blame the politicians, get blood in your eye,
and vote against the incumbents. Vati, vati.

Now just voting won't do it, we've got to vati.
That's v, a, t, i, with a long "A", and long "I."
Vote Against The Incumbents, and you vati.
Things will never get better, until we vati.
Vote against the incumbents, Vati, vati.

There is no time, to just set and sigh.
America will fail, without you and I.
The time has come, we must do or die.
We must all vote, and we must vati.
Vote against the incumbents, Vati, vati.

Things won't just get better, by-and-by.
Unless the apathetic voters, you and I,
hit those poles with blood in our eye.
And not only vote, but wisely vati,
Vote against the incumbent. Vati, vati.

We must not buy, some political lie,
the America we love, is about to die.
Politicians no longer, serve you and I,
but all acquiesce, to the powers that buy.
Vote against the incumbents. Vati, vati.

The newly elected may want to serve you and I,
until that powerful pac-money catches their eye.
Then party loyalty becomes, their big lie.
As they vote with the Pac, for their piece of the pie.
Vote against the incumbents, Vati, vati.

Congressmen and Senators are nigh as apt to die,
as meet defeat at the poles, by you and I.
They know we’ll vote for’em, they don’t have to try.
America is declining, as democracy goes awry.
Vote against the incumbent. Vati, vati.

Waxing fat on the apathy, shown by you and I,
politicians became hogs, and Washington's a sty.
But we can change all that, in the blink of an eye,
if we just get off our apathy, and dutifully vati.
Vote against the incumbents. Vati, vati.

If just one out of twenty, of us would vati,
we*d get nigh a forth of that Washington sty.
Now that might he to few, to help you and I,
But we’d darn sure make, the rest of them shy.
Vote against the incumbents. Vati, vati.

And when; "Foul, foul," the politicians cry.
And charge that; "great careers will sadly die."
Stand up and look them, straight in the eye,
And vow; "Losing only makes the truly-great try."
Vote against the incumbents. Vati, vati.

From the County Coroner, to that Washington sty,
if you don’t love the incumbent, always vati.
Help turn America toward, a brand-new high.
Teach your kids and your friends, they must vati.
Vote against the incumbents. Vati, vati.

If the state of America, makes you want to cry,
then help start a revolution, no one has to die.
Our party loyalty sent elections go so far awry.
And we can fix that error, just revolt and vati.
Vote against the incumbents. Vati, vati.

Part your 2nd and 3rd finger; that "v" means vati.
Send this to a friend, who you think will comply.
Let’s all band together and give'em a black eye.
Vati, vati, and hearty bye-bye.

Grandpa Nate @ Rawlins, Wyoming.
Also see:
[If you like this, copy it, and pass it on.]

6:24 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

That's a hell of a long comment, GrandpaNate, but it's well said.

I've only been conscious for a few more than 30 years, yet I clearly remember what freedom was like also. I can't imagine what the currently rising generation even thinks freedom is, since they've never experienced it. How the nation could decline this quickly is the subject of my Third World American USA tour. Be sure to follow along while I try to find some answers!

5:13 PM  
Blogger Grandpa Nate said...

Vati Party

VATI is the first letter in "Vote Against The Incumbents,” and that is what it means. Vati means you always vote against the person holding the office, the incumbent, regardless of political affiliation.

The majority of our Congressmen and Senators have absolutely no fear of losing their offices. They know that party loyalty [be it Republican or Democrat] of their constituency will assure their perpetual reelecting. In the whole Senate you are likely to have only five or six seats [in the Congress less than 30 seats] that are not securely locked-up by one, or the other, political parties.

And actually, nothing is gained when we do manage to send an occasional new representative to Washington. In short: They are simply gobbled up by the system. They are introduced to pac-money, and the powerful party leaders [Party Lords] and end up cuddling up to Big Business, and voting the party line, for legislation that enhances the Conglomerate's bottom line, to the determent of their constituency, to the determent of America.

Now, a large percentage of Congressmen and Senators win their seats by very small margins, less than 5%, so if just 10% of the voters Vati, we would likely unseat nearly 20% of our Representatives. If we could generate as much support as Ross Perot did, [according to the last election] we would kick out close to 90% of the House and Senate.

But more important than just getting rid of some self-serving politicians, unseating just 10% of the House and Senate would definitely get their attention. And then we could demand drastic change. We could demand a clean break between our Legislators and Big Business. We could outlaw all soft-money, and make any contact between our Legislators and Big Business [except publicized discussion in an open forum] illegal.

We can demand term limits. I am for an eight-year term limit, for all Government Offices. Let Senators serve one six year term or change the length their terms to four years. We can demand secure borders, and that everything entering our ports be inspected. We could demand a rigidly enforced alien worker program, which caters to America’s needs. And demand a viable plan which honorably ends the war in Iraq.

We can let Washington know, anyone who votes against anything the majority of America clearly wants, had better start looking for a new job.

Vatiing is a very viable method of voting to save America, to cure what is wrong with America, a viable way of stopping America’s rapid descent into mediocrity.

The interest in “vote against the incumbents” is growing exponentially. Now we need to get organized, form a political party. Much like any other political party, except we won’t run candidates for office. Our challenge will be to make the other Parties Candidates legislate for American, and America’s People.

If you have any ideas, comments, want to help get organized, or whatever, please leave a message at:

4:09 PM  

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